24 oct i went sekinchan 2 make up wit my darling fren 'yoke kuen'...i'm happy she already married..hope her get a happiness 4ever...i went thr use more than 1 hours 2 drove the car to thr..is realy bored..on the road i keep talking wit brandon n my brother..if nt sure i slep down..haha,if i sleep down realy omg edi...all will die...when reach yoke kuen hometown i felt bored coz they all bz cooking...so let us sat at thr..than after half v realy cnt tahan so v went 2 buy baozi..i asked brandon hw far he juz keep saying so far bt din't tell me hw far is it..i think maybe half hours oso is far so i drove the car went n found it..hw noe v from sekinchan drove until perak thr..can went 2 pangkok n ipoh edi..tht time i realy felt angry,somemore felt let brandon play it lo..hw v noe realy is unlucky when v reach thr the shop already close..omg..hungry...bt nt thing 2 eat..tht i realy hot keep scolding brandon went thr n bck sekinchan nid more more than 1 hours like tht bt nt thing 2 eat..shit..than v called yoke kuen asked had thing 2 eat o nt than she said had itali noodle than v went bck eat tht...than wait a half hour her kl fren is came bt they duno hw 2 came her house so i fetch her sis went n bring than in..after tht wait a half n hours is time 2 ate..v started ate on tht time had 1 motor came in thr already put the chair cnt in bt the motor still in so the motor went n make the chairfall down than he felt scared n came down take bck the chair bt tht time he motor fall down again..haha..he wanna take his motor up hw noe he went n turn the oil than the motor run away..wat he wanna take it,,others things oso fall down tht is fun...^^..than after 'yk' finish bz n bath than i start make up wit her...after finish than set hair wit her sis too..than already 10pm..all finished is realy felt tired..than sat thr more a while 'yk' bring us 2 the hostel..than v wanna slept edi..the kl guy came n called me drove out the car coz cnt close the door..early call me put thr i already said cant close bt they like duno..than somemore called me out..omg..swt..after ok than i went 2 slept coz 4.30am alrealy 1 wake up..
v wake up n prepare until 5am i drove 2 'yk' house wait make up wit her..din;t ate anything than make up wit her n her sis & saw her married 2 her husband...went her husband house wait her finish all married things than 1 pm her husband sis already said dun1 make up bt when 2pm came in again said wanna make up tht time i already felt angry coz i think had time already called ;yk; remove the make up..they suddenly tht let me did more time tht already no enough time they somemore 5pm already wanna went out..shit...somemore had 1 cb untie scolding me..pukima die lo...i din do wrong the pokia scolding me..after tht went bck 'yk' house her sis told her mum the pokia scolding me than her mum so angry called me scolding her bck...than i finish all make up things edi..went 2 dinner..than at nite i still stay at her husband house bt brandon already bck let me n my bro oly..2molo ate breakfast edi oly went home..
WAH!!!! she marry jor?... didnt invite me de? she gonna treay us BAO YU liao!.. =)
回覆刪除haha..i 4gt..u go tell her lo..c she will treat o nt...^^