he n mii...(ugly me many days din't slept well)
thx you tht day who bring me out yesterday nite...
thx u when i moody u bring me out n heard me said alot stupid headche things...^^
haha..i noe u moody too..bt u job things i duno so cnt settle wit u..paiseh..somemore wanna u heard me said alot..bt anywhr thx..^^..i'm ok nw..
yesterday he fetch me out v round around bukit tinggi bt no place 2 go so round to centro thr than he quiz 2 go neway..than i juz said u ok i ok..coz both of us realy no place 2 go...so as last v went thr 2 sing...until more than 1am oly bck home..was tired,bt happy..after tht saw janice msg me..i lazy type so direct called her..v chat about 1 n half hour..than all headche things oso said wit her abit so ok nw...haha..make her no nid 2 slep..paiseh o..haha..bt mood ok nw..thx urs...
2nd time go ktv wit him..felt so blur..coz b4 tht he always no dare sing in front me..tis can say he 1st time sing in front me n v 1st time sing 2gether..haha...he so shy...noe many years edi 1st sing wit me..^^