yesterday morning..i cant slept so early mornig was wake up..
than 1st thing was msg 2 my cousin ask her 1 go jogging o nt..
2nd thing is morning call 4 my mum
3nd was my bro edi
starting was nt raining
bt my mum them
so raining edi..cnt out 4 jogging
than v wait until sotp raining
oly i msg 2 my cousin call her out again
my mum was lazy
dun1 wake up
so i went by own
n wit my 2 bro
stating v oly 1 go botanic jogging oly
bt at last i think my mum din't call so v can go bukit cahaya edi
than v went thr
unluckly v all duno the road hw 2 go edi
so found it slowly
n my cousin told me a wrong road
i drive on wrong way
at thr
the car was came in front me
so scared
my 2nd bro was keep shout thr
tht was so fun
n luckly
at last v found it
bt had somethings
terrible thing was
when v went buy ticket went in
it was rain
terrible thing was
when v went buy ticket went in
it was rain
v cnt cycle
sat thr car
sat thr car
n went down take pic n walk
the rain wouldn't stop
it became more heavy
v all get wet at thr
bt v're happy n enjoy it..
n luckly is
v all din't get flu..